If we can’t help you avoid at least $500,000 in taxes, we’ll refund the full consulting fee.
*must be pre-qualified by one of our Roth conversion advisors
Let us help you save at least $500,000 in taxes over your lifetime.
Make sure your heirs aren’t burdened with millions in taxes
Objective flat-fee financial advice from fiduciary planners
I am glad that I used your services and highly recommend them to others. In 22 months, I will have an essentially Tax Free Retirement, No RMDs to track, manage, or pay taxes on, and my stock appreciation and trade gains will all be tax-free.”
After a thirty-six-year career as an independent financial adviser and Certified Financial Planner®, I sold my practice to focus on helping those in or near retirement save millions in taxes.
Combining the art and science of financial planning to help you transition to a tax-free future.
Our average client saves $80,000+ in
Medicare premiums
Our average client
avoids $3.2 million in taxes
We have 14 years of specialization
in conversions
Learn how we’ve helped our clients save millions
Bob and Susan’s
Optimal Rothology® Strategy
will save them $2.5 million
Optimal Rothology® Strategy
will save her $1.4 million
Dan and Carolyn’s
Optimal Rothology® Strategy
will save them $1.7 million
Started my conversion Dec. 2020 as per recommendation. Using the 35% charts… I will finish converting this Dec. 2023. Because of market changes I will be saving a lot more in taxes than originally estimated. Very happy at this whole experience.
The common Roth conversion mistake leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more!) on the doorstep of the IRS
The four limiting beliefs keeping you from saving more
Traditional Roth conversion vs Optimal Rothology® Conversion – the difference can mean $1mm+ in unnecessary taxes